About Your Officers

Your 2012-2013 Texas DECA State Action Team

State President-Kate Hogan

As the new Texas DECA State President, Kate Hogan is ready to serve you all in Texas DECA. Kate is currently a Junior at Mexia High School in Mexia, Texas. After high school, she plans to attend Sam Houston State University and major in Business.

Kate has been involved in DECA since her Sophomore year. In addition to being a member, she also has been serving as an officer within her chapter. Her Sophomore year she advanced to ICDC in Orlando, Florida in the Entrepreneurship Promotion Project. Her Junior year she advanced to State CDC in the Entrepreneurship Promotion Project. Through DECA, Kate has expanded her leadership skills and found her love for Business.

In addition to DECA, Kate is a Varsity cheerleader, plays golf, a softball manager, and a member of National Honor Society, and Spanish Club. Through all these activities, she has gained experience in being a leader. Please feel free to contact Kate anytime with any suggestions or questions at kate.hogan.txdeca@gmail.com.  See blog posts by Kate here.

State Vice President-Scott Urbis

Scott Urbis is ecstatic to serve as your 2012-2013 Texas DECA Vice President. Scott, a junior, currently attends Los Fresnos High School near Brownsville, Texas, and is ranked near the top of his class. In the future, he plans on earning a degree in International Finance or Electrical Engineering.

After becoming involved in several organizations, Scott found a niche in DECA. Participating in the Automotive Services series event, he qualified for ICDC in Orlando during his first year in DECA. Scott stayed involved through community service and other DECA events. This year in DECA, he became the Sergeant-at-Arms of his chapter and again qualified for ICDC in competition.

As well as being involved in DECA, Scott runs varsity cross country, serves as the President of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, writes for his school newspaper, and is an Eagle Scout. Scott participates in Science Quiz Bowl and his school’s Masterminds team. Through the balance of these activities, he has learned responsibility and perseverance.

Scott is looking forward to an exceptional year as a leader in Texas DECA! He believes that innovation produces results and that there are many opportunities for innovation this year. Please feel free to contact him at scott.urbis.txdeca@gmail.com with any questions or thoughts. See blog posts by Scott here.

State Secretary-Daniel Whitted

Daniel Whitted is excited to serve as your 2012-2013 Texas DECA State Secretary. He is a four year member of DECA, and attends Richland High School in North Richland Hills, Texas. He plans to attend the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas, graduating with a degree in engineering and a minor in business.

Daniel fell in love with DECA the first day of Freshman year, and since then, has learned so many things about leadership, business, and camaraderie through DECA.

Daniel competed at the State CDC his Freshman year, qualified for ICDC his Sophomore year, and again competed at State CDC his Junior year, as well as being elected your State Secretary for 2012-2013.

Daniel, being on the golf team and a varsity baseball player, has had pressure and challenges in his life. He guarantees that he will serve you the members of Texas DECA to the best of his abilities. Daniel is ecstatic for the upcoming year with his State Action Team, and to be your 2012-2013 Texas DECA State Secretary. If you have any questions, please feel free to send them to him at daniel.whitted.txdeca@gmail.com. See blog posts by Daniel here.

State Reporter-Holly Norris

Holly Norris is delighted to serve as your 2012-2013 Texas DECA State Reporter. She is a junior at the Birdville Center of Technology and Advanced Learning in North Richland Hills, Texas, and plans to pursue a degree in Event Management after graduation.

Holly began her involvement in DECA two years ago, when her high school counselor suggested she join the Birdville Travel and Hospitality Academy at her local tech center, where she is now a second year student. Her sophomore year, she advanced to state in Fashion Merchandizing Promotion Plan, and this year, as well as becoming Reporter, she advanced to ICDC with her project in Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling. Through DECA, Holly feels she has not only furthered her leadership skills, but has gained a love for service and a new appreciation for social media.

In addition to being on the State Action Team, Holly is also president of her local DECA chapter, co-manages the school store, participated in this year’s “Shattered Dreams” drunk driving awareness program at her school, and serves as a student ambassador for the Birdville Center of Technology and Advanced Learning.

Holly looks forward to representing you all this upcoming school year, and you are welcome to email her with any comments, questions or ideas at holly.norris.txdeca@gmail.com . See blog posts by Holly here.

State Sgt-At-Arms-Caleb Chappell

Caleb Chappell is thrilled to be serving as your 2012-2013 Sergeant-at-Arms. Caleb attends Pine Tree high school in Longview, Texas where he is a second year DECA member and is planning on going on to receive a degree in Entrepreneurship or Law.

As a high school student Caleb has had several leadership roles. He has served as a FCA president, Student Council member, Teen Court attorney, and school political action committee advocate. Caleb’s DECA adventures began his sophomore year when his Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance teacher asked him to join DECA. Caleb excelled his very first year, making it to Texas DECA State CDC where he competed in Retail Merchandising and the MET Interview event. His Junior year, Caleb was elected his chapter president, the District 6 President, made it to state in the Marketing Management series event and MET Interview event where he placed second for Marketing Management and first in the MET Interview event. He was also elected your 2012-2013 State Sgt-At-Arms.

Caleb is honored to have been elected by the members of Texas DECA and cannot wait to return the favor by giving his upmost effort and dedication to better serve them. He believes leadership is done by example, not by word and Caleb intends to prove that this year alongside the other newly elected state officers. Caleb promises to work hard and conquer any challenges that come his way to make Texas DECA bigger and better!

Caleb encourages members to contact him any time with questions or ideas at caleb.chappell.txdeca@gmail.com.  See blog posts by Caleb here.

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